


A decade of innovations has made Net Zero Living achievable for most individuals. Despite numerous financial incentives, there remains a significant gap in education regarding the details, design, and implementation of Net Zero options.




Welcome To Net Zero Living Resource Center

Dive into the world of sustainable living with the Net Zero Living Library, your ultimate guide to achieving net zero living choices and environmentally responsible decisions. This resource center is dedicated to providing an extensive and up-to-date selection of resources including books, videos, toolkits, and case studies. These materials are designed to cater to a variety of learning levels and interests, from those just starting to explore ways to minimize their carbon footprint to experts looking for cutting-edge practices in sustainable architecture and renewable energy. 

As a vibrant community of environmental advocates, the Net Zero Living Resource Center is more than just a repository of information. We encourage a collaborative atmosphere where members can exchange ideas, share personal experiences, and contribute to a sustainable future. By participating in our workshops and events, you join a network of proactive individuals committed to making a meaningful impact on our planet. Our resources are frequently updated to reflect the latest in research and innovations, ensuring that achieving a net zero lifestyle is accessible and practical for everyone.

Popular Services

Innovation in equipment, materials, design, regulation is moving forward rapidly. A new class of energy participants has emerged. Prosumers are the millions of energy producers who consumer their own energy. 

Net Zero Energy

Producing sufficient energy for your home, building, or community creates freedom from energy inflation. Using PVT, photovoltaics thermal increases the energy received per square foot by 400%.

Water – Cleaning, Harvesting, Collecting

A decade of innovation has delivered proven sustainable solutions to convert grey and black water into potable and irrigation pure. Many companies have mastered pulling water from air cost effectively with renewable energy.

Food Forests | Vertical Farming

Food forests promote biodiversity, enhance soil health, and provide a sustainable source of diverse, nutritious foods while supporting local ecosystems. Vertical farming brings fresh food into urban and rural food deserts.

Dig In & Explore

The Net Zero Resource Center is new and in a steady state of expanding the resources and eduction offerings.

Net Zero Energy
the base of NZ Living


Cost per watt of production & storage continues to drop

In 2023, the average annual return for solar investment is 10%. However, in areas of high energy costs, returns of 20% or more are seen. If the project uses PVT (photovoltaic thermal) the returns grow substantially larger.

PVT – Photovoltaics Thermal

Capture 400% more energy per sf

Heat buildings, homes, greenhouses, barns, and snow and ice free parking and walkways.  Learn More

Wind: Benefits & Challenges

Innovative designs & turbines

Like solar, many innovations have increased accessibility and performance.  Learn More

What’s NZ Construction?

Passive Energy design. No waste. 

Green materials, Augmented Reality (AR), are among the innovations resulting in blending beauty and NZ energy  Learn More

Distributed Energy Resources

Energy management systems

Transactional energy enables Prosumers to optimize revenue from energy production and minimize costs when purchasing.  Learn More

EV CARs, Trucks, equipment

EV batteries provide storage 

Electric vehicles and EV charging will play a major role in achieving Net Zero Living over the coming decade.  Learn More

Financial Incentives

Federal, State, Private, ESG

The need to accelerate transition to a net zero society by 2035 has movitivated steady increased financial inventives.   Learn More

Reader Picks

Here’s a selection of current and forward looking books and reports.

Leading-Edge Design and Construction of Homes and Buildings for a Renewable Energy Future

Bill Maclay

The Clean Energy Transition: Policies and Politics for a Zero-Carbon World

Daniel J. Fiorino

Net Zero Water Toolkit

Texas Water Trade



Net Zero on Campus

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network


Get Involved

We are continuing to expand the resources and content available through NetZero.Living and are seeking writers, contributors and editors.